Saturday, January 27, 2007

viral marketing - annoying ppl who stay in the news for just that

Why is it that some people annoy you to the extreme but still stay in the news? Why are they remembered? Why do they have top of mind recall?
This question plagued me for quite a few months and even though the answer might seem clearer now, the journey was a trek through the fog of human nature and its idiosyncrasies.

Everybody wants to be remembered or talked about, no matter how big or small their sphere of reference. Within this group they want to feel important and have a sense of worth. Different people use different approaches to achieve this end. Some use talent, some use hard work, some sheer persistence. And then there are those who use annoyance. We may hate them, but we remember them. These annoyance exploiters stay in the news by being everywhere and doing all things that annoy us. The more we hate them, the more we recall their idiocy. But these are not dumb people. On the contrary, they are extremely shrewd. They do things that will get people talking about them. They are known for their stupidity and hyperactivity. They laugh in the most inappropriate of places and succeed in their aim of getting maximum eyeballs (however wide or narrow they may be), and like all marketing, they do it loud.

They pick their cronies well - the loners, the misfits, the confused - and then project an image of popularity. They project an image of being extremely understanding and caring, spiritual even, because this way they are "nice people". Their loudness is their biggest strength, for it pierces through people's lack of interest in them or in the environment in general. They survive because of their extremely thick skin - nothing people say to or about them can waver their determination. They disguise their cunning with a smile. They are willing to "forgive" everyone. Why? Because it is usually their own fault to begin with.

These people exist everywhere and their strength is that they are never noticed for who they are, but rather who they want others to think they are. They network with zeal; for the more people they know lesser the chance of being alienated after people get to know them.

1 comment:

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